Tweede Laurierdwarsstraat 1-3
1016 RA Amsterdam
The Netherlands
dudokdegroot will present a solo by Annesas Appel (b. 1978, NL). Her work is inspired by systems such as maps, musical notation and the alphabet. She deconstructs and reinterprets existing systems following her own rules. At Art Antwerp dudokdegroot will show her two most recent series: “Layered Landscape” and “Layered Base”. In this project Annesas Appel seeks to develop a new visual language with the world of numbers and ten colours (derived from the Munsell colour system) as a foundation. The existing form of the numbers becomes the basic grid, providing a structure while also allowing space for further exploration; what happens when she overlaps them, and which shapes and colours emerge? What kind of landscape is formed within those cutouts? In “Layered Landscape” and the book “Layered Base” the digits 0 through 9 are layered on top of each other. Within this layering, the numbers 00 to 99 are highlighted. Each print features a different two-digit number. As each digit is assigned its own colour, a new blend emerges in the overlapping areas. A section of this overlap is horizontally or vertically woven into the print using embroidery thread.